Committee Chair : Melody Davis
EIR - City of Oakland
Monday, March 22nd: Landmarks Preservation Advisory Board public hearing at 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, April 7: Planning Commission public hearing at 3:00 p.m.
Example EIR and corresponding Response letters:
Our Google Sheet to collaborate on our WOBE response:
(work in progress)
Other EIR resources:
Watch and Share New Howard Terminal Video
The Harbor Trucking Association is asking for community support to reject the Oakland A's Howard Terminal Proposal.

East Oakland Stadium Alliance 03/09/2021
Friends of the East Oakland Stadium Alliance,
Our dedicated team continues to closely examine and analyze the 1,600+ page Draft EIR and we hope to share our key findings soon. However, we recognize that many members of our Oakland community do not have a coalition like ours that can analyze this massive document as a team.
Therefore, we are asking that you send requests to the City Planning Department to ask for an extension of the 45-day DEIR comment period by at least 45 days. It is unreasonable for the City to expect the community to read, analyze, and respond to a complex legal document over 1,600 pages long in only 45 days, and we are concerned it will be the most vulnerable in our community that will not have the time to identify and express their concerns. It is not unusual for city agencies to extend the comment period for particularly large projects with especially long Draft EIRs, and it is absolutely necessary in this case. We have included a sample that you can share, below.
Please direct your requests to extend the comment period to the Planning Department as soon as possible. Thank you again for your support, and we will be in touch soon!
-- East Oakland Stadium Alliance
Send extension requests to:
Planning Department
Peterson Vollmann, Project Planner: pvollmann@oaklandca.gov
And CC:
City Administrator’s Office
Betsy Lake, Deputy City Administrator: elake@oaklandca.gov
William Gilchrist, Director of Planning: wgilchrist@oaklandca.gov
Oakland Elected Leaders
Mayor Libby Schaaf: officeofthemayor@oaklandca.gov
Vice Mayor Rebecca Kaplan: Rkaplan@oaklandca.gov
Council President Nikki Fortunato Bas: nfbas@oaklandca.gov
Councilmember Dan Kalb: dkalb@oaklandca.gov
Councilmember Carroll Fife: cfife@oaklandca.gov
Councilmember Sheng Thao: Sthao@oaklandca.gov
Councilmember Noel Gallo: Ngallo@oaklandca.gov
Councilmember Loren Taylor: ltaylor@oaklandca.gov
Councilmember Treva Reid: treid@oaklandca.gov
Sample Comment:
I respectfully ask that you extend the 45-day comment period on the Howard Terminal Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) by at least 45 days in the interest of allowing our community an equitable opportunity to consider and respond to the findings of the DEIR. The City of Oakland has taken over two years to produce the DEIR, resulting in a detailed and complex document that is over 1,600 pages long, not including over 4,000 pages of appendices for review. It is unreasonable to expect members of our community to read, analyze, and respond to such a lengthy and technical document within 45 days. I fear that such a short window would leave the most vulnerable and marginalized members of our community, including those who would feel the negative impacts of this project most, little time to bring to the attention of the city any deficiencies in the DEIR and the project itself. Thank you for your time and consideration.
East Oakland Stadium Alliance
East Oakland Stadium Alliance 03/09/2021
The release of the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for the A's Howard Terminal project confirms the obvious and what everyone already knows — that the current Coliseum site remains the ideal and most logical location for a new ballpark. This is especially true since the Coliseum site already has an approved Environmental Impact Report. This week's edition ofNotes focuses on coverage of the report's Transportation and Circulation chapter (4.15) which outlines the project's significant and unavoidable impacts to the West Oakland community as well as the numerous and costly mitigation strategies required to make this project feasible.
The DEIR indicates that the industrial nature of the project site, coupled with a notable lack of sidewalks, bikeways and public transportation will require implementation of robust infrastructure upgrades in order to provide safe public access to Howard Terminal. Perhaps the most noteworthy public safety issue is the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR), which runs directly in front of the site, making crossing the tracks to get into the ballpark an inevitability. Thus far, the A's proposal contains only piecemeal mitigation measures to provide safe railroad crossing and stadium entry and fails to deliver a comprehensive transportation management plan. The DEIR reveals the A's plan for a gondola as a mitigation strategy, though due to the additional permits and land acquisitions required, a full analysis is not included. As NEWBALLPARK.org points out, "that’s a bit of a cop out for something that was pitched as a sort of magic bullet. The reality is that it’s not, and the measures the A’s are proposing amount to chipping away at the last mile problem at HT."
While the DEIR reveals the magnitude of transportation and infrastructure upgrades required for the project, the Oakland community still lacks full transparency on the breakdown of public subsides required for the myriad upgrades and a clear picture of how the project is compatible with a busy industrial site and working waterfront. As we move through the 45-day public comment period, our coalition continues to advocate for further opportunities for public discussion with all project stakeholders.
Subscribe below for more media excerpts, industry highlights and other critical information about the status of the coalition and the ballpark proposal. If you’d like to get in touch, please email us at info@eastoaklandstadiumalliance.com. Thanks for listening.
East Oakland Stadium Alliance